Monday, October 14, 2013

Social Networking Sites

Nowadays the social networking site options are endless.  From Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter to LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest, just to name a few of the most popular sites. At one point in your life, especially those from the iGeneration, I'm pretty sure you've visited or even signed up for at least three of these sites mentioned, if not all.  I, for one, was a former Myspace and Facebook user and am currently an Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest user. Today, I'll be discussing my first impressions of Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and Instagram.

As mentioned previously, I was a former user and deactivated my account because I missed the days when you had to have a college email address in order to sign up and access the site.  This is no longer the case and hasn't been for a very long time.  I use to feel part of an exclusive society but now it's just another social networking site, a site I am no longer intrigued to be a part of.  My initial impressions returning to Facebook for this blog post is - does the site ever stop changing?  I find that Facebook updates it's features too often and that was one of the many reasons I decided to leave the site.  However, I do like how on your home page you get an overview of your profile, upcoming birthdays, pending requests, advertisements and search fields all in one screen.  I find that the settings can be tricky to control but no less manageable.

Myspace has received a complete face lift.  Not sure if it'll ever be as popular as it once was in its hay day, but their new look and features has definitely opened the doorway for music lovers alike.  If you're looking to find new music, the new Myspace is very compelling!

As mentioned in my previous post, twitter is a form of micro-blogging, similarly to Facebook updates.  You can tweet thoughts, reactions, share links, and the like and follow other users.  I do find twitter to be somewhat overwhelming for a new user - you can easily get lost or confused but no worries, just click here and there, and you'll figure it all out.  Similarly, to Facebook, once logged in, your home screen gives you an overview of tweets from those you are following as well as the latest trending hastag  topics and suggested users to follow.

Currently, Instagram is one of my favorite social networking sites as I have a passion for all things beauty.  No I am no beauty guru, but I enjoy staying updated on the lates beauty trends and products and find that Instagrams satisfies this love of mine.  I do have to admit, Instagram is best viewable through it's app rather than its website.  Instagram allows users to share photos and short videos with your own commentary and hastags that will easily share your photo with others viewing that respective hastag.  Additionally, like the other sites above, users can comment on a photo or video.  The main difference with Instagram is that there is no "direct/private message" feature that allows a user to send a private message to another user.  The only form of communication between users is commenting on photos or videos.

Which are your favorite or go-to social networking sites?

If you're bored (or curious), follow me on Twitter and Instagram! :-)

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